
6 Vikings Road Margate 4275


Criminal syndicates may attempt to induce you to make payments due to Kerry Loukakis Attorneys into bank accounts which do not belong to the firm and are controlled by criminals. These frauds are typically perpetrated using eMails or letters that appear materially identical to letters or eMails that may be sent to you by Kerry Loukakis Attorneys .

Please take proper care in checking that these eMails do emanate from Kerry Loukakis Attorneys.  Before making any payment to Kerry Loukakis Attorneys please ensure that you verify that the account into which payment will be made is a legitimate bank account of Kerry Loukakis Attorneys.

If you are not certain of the correctness of the bank account you may contact Kerry Loukakis Attorneys and request to speak to the person attending to your matter. They will assist you in confirming the correct bank details.

Kerry Loukakis Attorneys will not advise of any change in bank details by way of an eMail or other electronic communication. If you should receive any communication of this nature please report it to the person attending to your matter.